Mantainance of Plants, Factory and Items for Workers

RAMEC cooper grease
MOLIOLE infusible grease
EPX-90 lubricant
IDRO-EX hydraulic oil
IDRO-EPX hydraulic oil
IDRO-E low cost hydarulic oil
SGRASS detergent
PAVEGRASS detergent
MANOBEL abrasive cream

RAMEC cooper grease with high lubricant property, lasting at very high temperature infusible with point drop at around 400°.

MOLIOLE disulfide molibdenume infusable grease with excellent lubricant properties even in very difficult pressure conditions and temperature till 300°.

EPX-90 it is a lubricant speciallly dedicated to guiding systems able to guarantee high viscosity even at very high temperatures, it lubricates immediately after being mixed.

IDRO-EX it is a top quality hidraulic oil available in different grades.

IDRO-EPX it is an high index of viscosity hidraulic oil specially dedicated to circuit under strong working condition, different grades are available.

IDRO-E it is a reliable low cost hidraulic oil for old plants and circuits.

DISCRON it is an acid with corrosion inhibitors to remove calcium from cooling and dehumidifier circuits.

SGRASS it is an high concentrated detergent for machineries cleaning without risk of opacification, it must be mixed with high percentage.

PAVEGRASS it is a dedicated detergent for very dirty floor, can be used for manual cleaning or by automatic washing machines, it leaves good smell without risk of foam.

MANOBEL slightly abrasive hand cleaning cream with good smell, specially made to remove all kind of dirtness and protecting hands after cleaning.